A colourful history!
In 1895, Célestin Linder, young Swiss textile technician, emigrates in France. In 1904, he is recruited as technical director in a weaving plant in Violay, in Loire department. Some years later, he takes the heads of the direction in the company. Then, he redeems and created the Linder Company.
When everything started
In 1895, Célestin Linder, young Swiss textile technician, emigrates in France. In 1904, he is recruited as technical director in a weaving plant in Violay, in Loire department. Some years later, he takes the heads of the direction in the company. Then, he redeems and created the Linder Company.
In beginning of the Century, the Linder company works as well cotton, wool, silk and realizes different weavings.
Célestin Linder around 1930
Beginning of the century
The development
The Linder’s technical knowhow is well-known in the whole Europe. The success allows Celestin to create other production plants, to extend machines fleet, and, in the meantime, to create the first weaving loom of 240cm width, a technologic prowess. (Photo: workshop’s workers)
Leaving the factory, around 1920
During wars
The weaving continues
In spite of the involvement during the First World War, the Compulsory Work Service, the power cuts, and even if 40% of the machines was stopped, the Linder’s factories have continued to produce kipping, as best as possible, his staff.
Linder workshops in St Marcel, beginning of the 20th century
The after war
The innovation
Thanks to the new drawings of Jacquard weaving looms, and to the extensions of the workshops, Celestin Linder and his son, René, increase their offer of table clothes and fabrics. The innovation allows, from that time, one worker to conduct 5 automatic weaving looms.
Jacquard weaving looms
Linder SA extends his factory and works with new lightweight synthetic fibers for table clothes, bed clothes and furnishing fabrics.
The company creates Triomphe Rodia brand, a real commercial success. The advent of the window’s decoration is launched.
Clocking out of the Linder factory, 1960s
The 80's
Decoration’s boom
The explosion of window decorations’ market, the coming of polyester voiles and the success of Plein Jour voiles have brought to Linder a lot of international market.
The brand created by Linder, "Plein Jour" is always associated with high quality curtains.
The factories expand, Linder Tisseur Créateur's know-how and the quality of its products are exported all over the world.
André, Pierre and René Linder in 1980
The end of the 20th Century shows the end of regional’s specificities. Textile relocates all around the world. In spite of a heavy international competition, Linder wants to keep his production’s quality and his French knowhow in the factory in Violay: a strategy in link with the spirit of the company.
The weaving factory at Saint-Marcel de Félines
Rue Célestin Linder
The book
The story of an industry giant told its creator, Celestin Linder
The story of the textile area around Violay, between the Loire and Rhone region.The story of a familial saga. The story of the last century told with emotion.
Author André Linder, Celestin Linder’s grandson, was born December 22, 1932, in the family home in Violay. He holds a law degree and he graduated from the Ecole Superieure de Commerce of Lyon. From 1963 to 1995, he co-led LINDER SA. Today, he’s a walker, a skier, and a hunter, and he collects a lot of memories. He was helped in the writing by Angelina Barras, a graduate of the Writers Academy of France.